Thursday, November 6, 2014

Chesca's First Report Card

Finally, Chesca's first schooling experience has passed.  The photo below is a proof of her performance numerically speaking.  I went to pick-up the report card and had a one-on-one meeting with her adviser Joy.  She was nice and i thanked her for the teaching she has done.  Well, we just brushed through the subjects Chesca did fine and not-so-fine but she was very professional to say maybe because Chesca got sick for 2 weeks.  I couldn't agree more.  Before finals she had chicken pox and spent two weeks at home.  I and mom just reviewed her so quickly but still she made it with good grades.  That was good enough for me.

I had been anxious of those schooling days for her...but i am proud to write Chesca never gave me a hard time - from the first days of school until end.  She's brave and very sociable.  She has won many friends both boys and girls.  I guess it's with the genes, huh?! She had never been into quarrels or problems except for one time when she peed on her pants, hehehe.  She loves sharing her food and stuffs with her classmates.  Her teacher praised her for that kind act.  She easily understood instructions and adapted with the environment so well.  She loved her kinder experiences, I know.  There were times she was bullied by some boy classmates but my mom was pretty stern and protective about it.  She was there to protect and fight for her right especially with the seating arrangement.  I will be forever thankful for her.  On the other hand, Chesca reported me that there were two boy classmates who said they liked her...what???!  That was funny...

In relation to this very first milestone, we bought her a chocolate cake to rejoice...Finally, one step is finished...still a long way to go to become a doctor.  But hey, I and Chester love to sacrifice for our little one.  We may be filling our annulment soon, but we always see to it Chesca is our priority. 

I would never get tired reviewing her lessons and learning with her...I just love her my life.  That is why she is my angel in no disguise.

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